Sabai Grass Is The New Eco-Friendly Kid In Town
What Is Sabai Grass?
The technical term for Sabai Grass is “Eulaliopsis binata.” Sabai Grass is a perennial plant that is commonly grown in South Asian and Southeast Asian countries. For context, a perennial plant is a plant that lives for more than two years.
Looking more specifically at Sabai Grass in India, it is heavily cultivated in the states of Odisha (also known as Orissa) and West Bengal. For this reason, the quantity and diversity of Sabai Grass handicrafts that emerge from these states are incredibly impressive.
Sabai grass cultivation is easy and not demanding. Its cultivation can come into being even on small plots of land and the plant (once cultivated) can be dyed all possible colours, this makes the material ideal for creating handicraft items that are long-lasting. Sabai Grass can be made into dried rope, which can then be weaved. At the same time it offers the great benefit of sturdiness and durability. With this, an endless range of sabai grass products can be created.
The Versatility of Sabai Grass
Sabai Grass is used widely in home decor, especially in Indian households, where Sabai Grass products are appreciated for bringing about a nature-connected feel to any living space.
Many Sabai Grass products are made to form a wrap around an item or are used to create containers that can add aesthetic appeal to everyday articles. For example, Sabai Grass plant holders, laundry baskets and fruit baskets are common products that are able to add a visual appeal to any space. Sabai Grass can also work well in insulating foods, as can be seen in the image below of a Sabai Grass roti box.
However, given the versatility of Sabai Grass, seeing the material used to non-container inspired products are also observed. The material can be used to create table mats, rugs and coasters for glasses.
How Sabai Grass Adds Artistic Value To Your House and Your Life
Sabai Grass has a naturally light brown colour, so even when it is not dyed the natural colour provides a beautiful, earthy feeling. Speaking of natural, it is also great to note that Sabai Grass products are not synthetic so are of a premium quality. Since Sabai Grass is not synthetically made, they do contain harmful toxins and pose the level of risk to your health as synthetic products would.
Moreover, Sabai Grass products are eco-friendly and environmentally sustainable. since Sabai Grass weaving involves products being carefully hand-woven by artisans. Using no industrial machinery in the creation process means that no energy intensive production methods are deployed in creating Sabai Grass products. To add to this, since we are living in a time where people are more environmentally conscious, given the increasing threat of climate change, you can be rest assured that your purchase of Sabai Grass products will not unnecessarily increase your carbon footprint.
Irrespective of whether you buy Sabai Grass products online or directly from an artisan, let us also not forget that buying a Sabai Grass handicraft that is locally made also supports the livelihood of a craftsperson. Since Sabai Grass products that are sourced rurally are handmade by artisans native to those areas, the beauty that you bring to your house with Sabai Grass products also enhances the livelihood of local artisans!